Saturday, November 22, 2008

Putih - 1978

I was a very shy little boy. The sight of strangers will only drawn me to the back of the nearest family member. Probably living quite far from the rest of the villagers made me feel inferior or maybe I’m lack of curiosity.. My house to the nearest neighbour is about half a mile. So, it’s hardly anyone else beside my family that I see, and our house is the 2nd last house of the village and it’s not the road that people pass by everyday. I guess, that could be a contributing factor of this little shyness that I possessed.

I don’t have any friend as a little boy, and funny enough I don’t have any imaginary friends too. The only friend that I had was a billy goat that was as huge as a calf. Who only listened to me and my parents but keep chasing, kicked and butted the rest of my siblings around the house whenever he was escaped from his rope. I called him ‘Putih’ (White), because unlike any other goats, he had quite a delicate and almost white fur. I used to ride him round the house and the nearest bushes during the day, and as a token folded my legs and let him butt my kneecap with his head as a gesture that we’re playing. I loved putih very much that most of my time was spent with him. I would sometimes bring my food on the plate and eat beside him while he was busy gnawing on the grass (probably thinking that we’re having a nice conversation while having our meal).

Putih became very fierce after some times that the sight of anyone else beside us (me and my parents), will only make him wanted to butt them. This has worried my parents and after much thought, they decided to sell him off to one Pak Haji who wanted to do ‘Aqiqah’. I was histerical when the news came and for the next few days, I rode him till I fell asleep on his back for several hours, only to wake up and wept again, knowing that we’ll have to depart very soon. And strangely enough, Putih became less aggressive and most of the time will be beside the staircase where I was sitting, looking blankly at the road infront of the house.

The day came.. Pak Haji came with a lorry to transport Putih .. and again I was more than histerical when I saw him tugged the rope and Putih didn’t even struggle. I thought I hated Putih for a while for wanted to leave me that he didn’t make any effort to escape. Then I saw a glint of tears at his eyes and immediately knew that he was sad too. When the lorry drove off, I chased it for a few yards then fell on my knees and wept for the lost I can’t replace...


Moon said...

bro..that kambing kan aku rasa mmg tahu dia akan diaqikahkan..s0 dia reda..sbb tu dia tak melawan..masa tu um0 k0 brapa eh? siap leh tid0 atas belakang kambing mesti c0mel si0t

A Broken Piece of Glass said...

umo aku baru ler 5 taun masa tu, tapi i have lots of memories walaupun aku kecik lagi. aku ni sampai umur 7 tahun slim tau! and rambut a'la china doll.. cute! kekeke.. tapi kambing tu memang besar beb. Sama tinggi ngan abg aku yg umur 12 tahun.. kalau tak, takkan la dia tanduk budak dua ekor tu sampai terpongkes dari tanah kan?